SALA Samui inspiré du Pain Perdu
We went to Koh Samui recently to celebrate my bud bud’s birthday and stayed SALA Choengmon Beach. The good folks of the resort treated us like a million bucks and totally spoiled us rotten with genuine, warm hospitality. They had a killer breakfast and I had quite possibly the best brioche French toast ever, EVERYDAY that week. I came home still thinking about their French toast… and so here it is, our SALA Samui inspired French Toast cake. An airy, light maple sponge sandwiches a homemade mixed berry compote, slathered with mascarpone cream and garnished with pistachios, roasted almond flakes, cranberries and pumpkin seeds. Fork Yeah!
How we work
Fork It will announce weekly menus and bakes on Sundays with limited quantity for the following week’s Thursday, Friday and Saturday. So watch out for that (along with the weight you’re most likely to gain) and punch your orders in through our website. We cannot bake and sell everyday, ok? … because we still have regular corporate jobs to do!
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SALA Samui inspiré du Pain Perdu on Fri (14 Mar)
$71.00 Read moreOut of stock
SALA Samui inspiré du Pain Perdu on Sat (15 Mar)
$71.00 Add to cart1 in stock
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